Shane McLafferty is an LA based Director / Cutter / Shooter looking to collaborate in any / all of these capacities on kick-ass projects with kick-ass people. Kick ass! He wishes to tell stories in all spaces - from long form to commercial and of course, the digital / social game.
OK, a couple fun factoids... Aside from directing, shooting and the edit, Shane is a musician / composer - can & will score for food! *Special musical skills: the blart harp, emo saw, steel-toed slap cannon, and a decent whistler... but only whilst whittling. He's a licensed pilot, into aerial cinematography & filmmaking around aviation in general... always looking for storytelling opportunities with like-minded "aviaphiles." He also tends switch tenses arbitrarily and... I love... to overuse... ellipses. ... he/I sincerely hopes you enjoy the work. |